It is important to note that my Dad did not call me a 'sissy.' He simply asked me if I wanted to be a 'sissy.' He would never call me a 'sissy.' But time and time again he would ask me if I wanted to be a 'sissy."
While I could detect the disdain in my Dad's voice whenever he used the word 'sissy,' it was not until I was seven years old did anyone actually call me a sissy. My parents had had to run my brother to the hospital and they had asked my uncle Tim to watch me after I got out of school.
When I came out of the bedroom, he was sitting at his desk. It was a big office desk. He smiled when I came into the room and said, "Such a pretty little sissy girl." I liked it that he called me a 'sissy girl' and had not said 'sissy boy.'
It was a bit confusing to me. Why did Daddy say 'sissy' like it was a bad thing and Uncle Tim said 'sissy' like it was like the best thing in the whole world. Uncle Tim suggested that I might like to put on some music and dance which I did. As I did so he worked on a drawer that was stuck. I offered to help him but he said it was something he had to do on his own. He kept tugging at the drawer. He was working real hard at it to. I could tell from his heavy breathing.
At the time I was rather naive so when he all of a sudden let out a great big scream of "Yes! Yes! Yes!,"
I believe him when he said he had got the drawer unstuck. He had me run and get him a cloth saying he had cut himself and he needed to clean up.
While I did not get over to see Uncle Tim very often whenever I did so he would always have me dress up and dance for him. By the foruth time or so I had begun to figure out that something else was going on beside have a stuck drawer. I mean even I am not that stupid. The drawer was always stuck when I show up. Come on.
One day two years later, Dad came home from visiting his brother. I had never seen him more angry. He took Mom to their room and I could tell he was more angry at me or Mom or his brother. I heard him say soemthng about videos so I he knew it had to do with my dance videos that I had been sending to my Uncle. At one point, I heard Dad say somthing like "This was to bound to happen the way you are raising our son." Mom repled, "This is not about Yvonne. This is about a pervert. This is your brother." When all was said and done, I was told I was not to send any more videos to Uncle Tim and I was never to go to his house alone again. As it turned out, a few weeks later, Uncle Tim moved and it would be years before I ever heard his name again.
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