Ryan and Paul were at a high school football game and were planning on attending the mixer afterwards. If I had had my preference I would have been out looking for dick to scuk, but it had fallen on me to look after Joey for the night.
I am not entirely certain he could not have taken care of himself at thirteen, but I liked hanging out with Joey and I did not have to suck dick every Friday night.
As my younger brother, Joey had always been around Yvonne the most. While my older brothers would largely see me as their crossdressing little brother, Joey saw me as his big sister.
I had had a life long love of dancing and in the spirit cutting loose and having a great time, if it was to be spent at home, I did a dance number for my brother.
As I danced for Joey, it was not the first time I felt him looking at me not unlike boys often did before they approached me about sucking their dick. If you have read many of my posts, you know that I lost my virginity to my older brother Paul when I was ten. You may also know that the day after I sucked my first dick that I gave him a blowjob. With the exception of these two infractions I had left my brothers largely alone.
Shortly after my performance I was in my room looking through my clothes trying to decide what I wanted to wear out to the mall the next day, when I felt Joey step into my room. Normally this would not have been at all interesting. As I said, we were the best of friends as brother and sister and he often came to my room to talk. Something however about the look in his eyes earlier, intensified now, had be guessing that he was not primarily interested in conversation. I did him the courtesy of saying what had to be said first. I could tell you how we traveled from this remark to what ensued, but why bother. He fucked me and that was all that really mattered.
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