Monday, May 6, 2013

The Day I Became A Whore

Of course, if anyone at the time would have learned what Dean whispered in my ear that afternoon in the park, if they knew why we disappeared out a view behind a big tree for a few moments, if they knew how I had come to have a quarter in the palm of my hand that I later told Mom I found, they might laugh and think that it was a cute story.

Dean did not know that I was not really a girl.  It was the first and only time that I would ever see Dean.  Did taking a quarter from Dean make me a whore?  In the most generally accepted definition of the word, it did not.  Yet here is the thing.  If he had not offered a quarter I would not have shown him my panties.  The only reason I let this particular boy get what he wanted was because he was willing to give me some money.

Okay so he only saw my panties, the panties of a six-year-old girl and it was only a quarter at a time when a quarter no longer even covered the cost of a candy bar.   However, I had take money from him.   He was a boy.  And he wanted to see my panties.

About a year later,  I heard that Justin was having a birthday party.  I had not yet received an invitation.  One day at the park I asked him why I was not invited.  He asked me if I wanted to come to his 'stupid party.'  I said I did if I could come as Yvonne.  He thought about it for a while and then said that if I wanted to come to his party I would have to let him kiss me just like I was a real girl.  We kissed.  I did not however receive the promised invitation.  It would be my first lesson when it came to boys and their promises.

One day about two years later when I was around nine years old, I pulled out  the plug on my piggy back and counted up my money.  I had almost $50.00 in the bank.  Now not all of that money came from what I did for boys at the park and other places, but a good deal of it did.  I started the bank one day when I got a dollar from a boy named Tommie.

How many boys had I kissed?  How many times had I shown a boy my panties or agreed to look at their pee-pee?  What else had I done for these boys?  These are all questions that really do not need to be answered.

While all of this may seem rather meaningless, it cannot be ignored that I would grown up to be a whore.  For the last several years, going back to my junior year of high school, I had been selling my body for money, giving boys what they wanted of me in exchange for cash. Without question at some point in my life I became a whore. Is there any reason to deny that one reason I found becoming a whore as an adult is because I starting 'selling it' to boys when i was quite young.

Learning Who I Am Through Video

Taking Money Defines Me,
Taking Cock Completes Me

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