It was tough telling my Dad that I liked boys. He tried to suggest that I maybe was too young to know. I wanted to tell him that I was old enough to suck cock so I must be old enough to know liked boys.
While he tried to be somewhat supported, I could tell he was disappointed. He even began one sentence by saying he was disappointed and ended it by saying he only wanted me to be happy.

I heard myself saying, "Paul knows." Before it stood out too uncomfortably, I added, "I told all my brothers this morning."
I had actually told Paul the previous evening. I had been very upset about the way Jon had dumped me and called me a slut and I needed to talk to someone. Who else could I talk to?
My brother listened and then when I was done telling him what had happened, he asked. "So did you like it? Did you like sucking his cock?"
"I did, but. . . " I paused for a long moment and then I said what I wanted to say. "I bet I would like yours more." I looked away from him and when he did not respond, I added. "We made a vow we would never fuck again. But we never said anything about me sucking on your dick. If I really want to. And I do." I then turned and looked at him directly in the eyes and I said, "I really want to suck your dick Paul."
Dad seemed to want some response from Paul before Paul went back inside so Paul said, "You can't be too surprised Dad. She has had a crush on about every boy in the neighborhood at one time or another over the years."
My brother went back inside and then my dad turned to me and said, "I know this important to you, but I am going to ask just one more time. Are you really sure this is what you want?"
Later on that night I saw mu Dad standing at the patio window just staring outside. I could tell he was upset. I know it was not just about me wanting to be a girl. That it was also about his uncertainty as to whether he should support me or not. I went up to talk to him and he ended up asking to have some time on his own. So I left him. When I got to my room, I had a fantasy about what more I could have done to reassure my Dad that I really was best at being a girl.
From science class I had learned just enough about genetics that I knew why Dad and Paul looked so much alike. And as they looked so much alike, I suspected that like Paul, Dad had a big dick. Was it wrong for me to fatnasize about sucking my Dad's cock? No more so than actually sucking my brother's cock. And then it occurred to me. What if all my brothers had big dicks (they do by the way). And what if Daddy and the boys . . . I reached for myself and had a fantasy I knew had to be wrong, so terribly wrong.
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