Friday, May 17, 2013

Dressing Up For the Boys

When you are say five years old and are told you are a boy, what does that mean to you? While it may be pointed out to you that as boy you have a pee-pee and you will come to understand that a boy you will one day be a Daddy, it does not real hold any real value. The same thing can be said about being told you are a girl. What does it mean to be a girl?

Generally speaking, whether we are boy or girls or which ever in-between, most of what we learn about being a boy or being a girl comes from observing the world and drawing conclusions.  It is less about being told what it means to be a boy than it is about learning what it means to be a boy.

One lesson that becomes very clear is that boys like girls and girls like boys.  Now admittedly at a very early age, this may be hidden beneath a layer of shyness or disinterest, but is is always out there  -- not too far off for any of us.

So at an early age, I started liking boys.  But as I was a boy myself, how do I get boys to like me?  There was no clearer answer to me than than of dressing up in pretty dresses.  While I am not saying that I actually went through this thought process, I wanted boys to like me and the best way I could show them that I was a girl was my dressing in pretty dress.

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