In that email he would call me a slut. He would call me a slut for doing what he wanted me to do. He would tell me that he could no longer be my boyfriend. I would spend the day feeling very miserable.
It felt a bit like when Paul had fucked me two years previous. (See Losing My Virginity). While at the same time feeling much worse. When Paul and I fucked we both knew I was too young and as he was my brother that it was just all wrong. We had even made a vow to ourselves that we would never do it again. Something we both felt was the right thing to do.
But this was different. I was two years older. I knew of two other girls who had done the same thing with their boyfriends. Jon had been my boyfriend. He had taken me into the woods. And now he was calling me a slut.
I was still feeling sad the next morning when I got up and started to get ready for school. There had one poiint about five minutes after I had started sucking on his cock that Jon had placed his hands on the back of my head and pushed his cock deeper down my throat. He had exclaimed. "Yvonne, I love you so much. I love you so much right now." I was about to push him away. I was gagging. And then he had scream and I felt my mouth filling with his cum.
That had been the first time a boy had said "I love you" to me and I had felt certain he meant it. It would not be the last. And more often than not it would be just as meaningless. The first day of the rest of my life was not the day that I sucked cock. Nor was it the after when I learned what a jerk Jon could be. It was on Monday when I started to get ready for school. Never again would I go to school as Glen. From that day forward I became a schoolgirl, a schoolboy no more.
While this was acceptable to me, there was one other stipulation. Somehow in their infinite wisdom that decided that if I limited myself to dressing as Yvonne only one day a week that they would allow me to come to school as a girl. I was not entirely happy with this 'compromise.' However they seemed unwilling to budge on everyday, partailly because I had to be in PE class three days a week, days they insisted I had to come to school as a boy.
Now I will say that when I headed off to school that day committed to being a schoolgirl for the rest of my school career, there were only two weeks left in the school year. I sat down with the principal and asked to be excused from PE for the remainder of the year. There had been a few incidents over the year that had made the whole arrangement rather unpractical in practice and frankly I think he welcomed putting an end to the compromise.
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