One day I cam home from school and Mom had spent the day shopping. She had an outfit for me to try on. As I stood before her, I felt somewhat embarrassed to kind myself confessing to my Mom that I liked boys and that one boy in particular had tried to kiss me that day.
While she tried to downplay the importance of me liking boys and not liking girls, I could tell that she was pleased that I had a preference for boys. "Yvonne," she began, "it will never be my place to tell you whether or not it is okay for you to like boys in general or one boy in particular. If you like boys, you like boys. If you like girls, you like girls. I will say this though Yvonne. A pretty little girl should like boys. Because I know the boys will like you."
Billie was a boy who lived in our neighborhood. Unlike many of the boys who preferred playing war games and sports outdoors, he was usually willing to come inside and play games with me. We would play this game where we would pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend.
One afternoon we were playing this game and he said, "My brother says that when we are older, if you and I are still boyfriend and girlfriend,that you and I will probably fuck. Do you want to fuck when we are older?" I had, of course, no idea what it meant. I had however hear the word before.
A few weeks before, I had stayed at home from school as I had not been feeling well. I was in my room and I heard our doorbell ring. Checking out my bedroom window, I saw a car I recognized. It belonged to Jeff, my Dad's favorite golfing buddy. I liked Jeff and was about ready to go downstairs and say Hello when Mom stepped into my room. I told her I wanted to come down and say hi to Jeff and she told me I had to sleep. 'I do not want you getting out of the bed for any reason,' she said, 'until you have had yourself a nap.'
I always tried to be good for my Mom as she was always so good about letting me spend time as Yvonne. I was just about ready to drift off to sleep when I started to hear some noises from downstairs. Mom was screaming and the whole house seemed to have a slight tremble. Was Jeff still here? I checked the window and his car was still out front. The screams grew louder. What was going on? I decided to go downstairs and make sure Mom was okay. I quickly determine Mom and Jeff had to be in my parent's bedroom. There was one important lesson I had been taught. Do not interupt Mommy and Daddy when they were in the bedroom and the door was closed. Did it apply to Mom and Jeff? I did not know. However as I stood outside the bedroom, I sense that whatever was happening, Mom was okay. She seemed to be enjoying her self. At one point, she screamed "Oh fuck. Fuck me?"
So when Billie asked if he could 'fuck' me, I had no idea what it meant, but it had been something enjoyable for my Mom and something boys did for girls so I had said 'Yes, you can.'
Billie would never fuck me. As it turned out there was a reason Billie liked playing 'Let's Drink Tea' with me inside instead of staying outside and playing with the other boys. While he would be a late bloomer, Billie would soon follow me into the world of crossdressing. More on him later.

About a week later we were hanging out our a park and he suggested we take a walk into the woods. We had done so before to make out in private, but on this occasions he seemed to want to take us deeper into the woods. He would not be the last boy to take me by the hand and lead me deep into the woods because he wanted something of me.
When we were in a place more secluded than our normal make out space, we started to kiss and he put my hand on his crotch. I could feel him getting hard and I stated to get excited. Like him, I had been disappointed that I had not gone with my gut before.
After a long kiss, I smiled and said, "Can I see your penis again?" He nodded and I dropped to my knees. I was so anxious. I had been wanting to suck dick for some time and I was just moments from doing so. It was all over so fast that it is almost pointless to go into any more details about that my first time. But over the years I would often find myself in the woods with some guy who wanted his dick sucked.

Once I decided that I was going to be slut. I realized that I had to put away some of my girlie ideas about what it meant to be a girl and work on becocming more of a slut.
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